Package Accessories: 1,Mass fusion splicer 88R12 2,Fiber Cleaver CT50 3, Ribbon Fiber Stripper RS-03 4, Battery Pcak BTR-15 5, AC Adapter ADC-20 6, AC Power Cord ACC-14 7, USB Cable USB-01 8, Fusion Splicer Strap ST-02 9,12 Fiber-Groove VG12-01
10, Hexagonal Wrench HEX-01 11, V-groove Cleaning Brush VCB-01 12, Carrying Case CC-39 13, Work Tray Left WT-09L 14, Work Tray Right WT-09R 15, Tripod Screw TS-03 16, Work Tray J-Plate JP-09 17, Carrying Case Strap ST-03 18, Alcohol Dispenser AP-02 19, Quick Reference Guide QRG-03-E
1. Universal Fiber Holder: The FH-70-12 fiber holder is compatible with many types of 12 fiber ribbon, such as 0.3mm or 0.4mm thick encapsulated ribbons and 200m or 250m coated Spider Web Ribbon (SWR). The 250 m pitch V-groovesin the FH-70-12 fiber holder simplify SWR loading and ribbon preparation.
Pitch Conversion Fiber Holder: The pitch conversion fiber holder, FH-70-12PC, enables pitch conversion of individual 200m coated fibers from a 200m to 250m pitch. The pitch converted 200m fibers can now be loaded in the 88R12 mass fusion splicer.
Universal Ribbon Stripper: 200m V-groove Surface 250m V-groove Surface The RS series ribbon strippers are compatible with 200m to 400m coated fibers with out replacing the stripper blades. Universal Tube Heater: The 88R12 mass fusion splicer can accommodate heat sleeve. As a result, it supports a wide range of protection sleeve sizes.